Safe Guarding Policy

Menai Track and Field - Child Safeguarding Policy

Policy Objectives

This policy and related documents apply to the Home Country Athletics Federations or Governing Bodies { in respect of Menai Track and Field this is Welsh Athletics {WA}} and UK Athletics {UKA}.

The purpose of the policy is to:

Policy Statement:

All children and young people have the right to be cared for, protected from harm and abuse, and to participate in a sporting environment which is safe, and in which their rights are respected, and their needs met. Children and young people should get the help they need, when they need it, and their safety is paramount. This Policy is written in conjunction with the relevant government policies and legislation regulating the protection
of children and young people in the four Home Countries, and we will work to the agreed policies of Welsh Athletics and UKA to ensure best practice is implemented and maintained. This policy sits in a governance framework alongside the Adult Safeguarding Policy for the club

Application of this Policy:

Safeguarding and protecting children is everyone’s responsibility within our club, not just the obligation of a few. We as a club will take appropriate action against anyone who is suspected of a breach of this Policy, or of the associated codes of conduct, licence terms and conditions, and relevant disciplinary regulations.

Definition of a child: “For the purposes of this policy a child means a person who has not attained the age of 18 years.”

The Children Act 1989 , The Children (Northern Ireland) Order 1995, The Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014 and The Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014

If you have an immediate and serious concern about the safety or health of a child, contact the emergency services on 999.

Key Principles of this Policy:

Implementation of this Policy:

As a club affiliated to Welsh Athletics it is mandated that their Policies are adopted. Therefore as such the Home
Federation Policy for Welsh Athletics for Safeguarding and Protecting Children in Athletics Policy and Procedures is
Appendaged to this document