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Menai athletes achieved great success at the regional championships across all ages from Under 11’s through to our master’s athletes’ last weekend.
Starting with our under 11 age group there was individual success in events as well as medals won for the combined Run / Jump /Throw awarded on a points basis.
Heidi Worth won all her events for Long Jump, Shot Putt and 60m and Gold for the RJT competition.
Morgan Edwards finished 1st in the LJ, 2nd in SP and 3rd in the 60m winning Silver for the RJT.
For our U13 Girls Ela Edwards picked up 3 Silver medals for HJ / SP and 60m.
Gwion Williams U13 Boys picked up Gold for the LJ and 2 Bronzes for the SP and 60m.
Darcy Williams U15 Girls got Gold in the TJ and 2 Silvers for the 60m Hurdles and HJ.
Sofie Millen U17 Women qualified for the final of the 60m in a competitive field.
Huw Williams U17 Men won 2 Golds for the HJ and 60m Hurdles and a Silver in the SP.
Gethin Griffith U17 Men won a Silver in the LJ and Bronze in a very strong field for the 60m.
Isaac Sutton U17 Men in his first race for the club posted a good time in the heats of the 60m.
Eli Jones U20 Women won Gold for the 60m in a strongly represented Menai final.
Teleri Jones U20 Women picked up the Silver medal in 60m.
Llinos Evans U20 Women came 4th just outside the medals in the 60m.
Ewan jones U20 Men won a Bronze in the 60m in a fast race.
Cai Jones Senior Men won Gold in the fastest time of the day for 60m.
Tudur Williams Senior Men qualified for the final in a strong field.
Barry Edwards M35 Masters won 2 Golds for the SP and LJ.
Joseph Horner M55 Masters won 2 Golds for the TJ and LJ.
Andy Weetman M60 Masters won God in the 60m and Silver in the SP.
This shows what a strong and varied athletic club we are in the region along with our Cross Country successes as well.
Well done to everyone for their great performances at the start of this year.